Eudora Welty's A Worn Path

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Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path” reveals a story of the journey endured by the protagonist Phoenix Jackson. In this novel, Welty utilizes the president associated with black women, dense symbolism and vivid imagery to convey the theme of unwavering faith and perseverance. Phoenix Jackson is immediately characterized as a stereotypical quote on quote strong black woman. Welty describes her as an “old Negro woman with her head tied in a red rag”. These physical details indicates that this story takes place in a time where slavery and segregation are very prevalent. The use of the word “rag” supports this time period as it displays that Jackson belongs to the poorer caste of society. The author also uses Jackson’s physical features to express her age; Phoenix’s “eyes were blue with age”, skin is describes as “numberless branching wrinkles” and compared to a tree. This not only let readers know that Jackson is an old women but also has experienced a lot during her lifetime. This contributes to the theme later in the story as …show more content…

As the main character starts on her journey upon the “worn path”, she meets many challenges along the way. One of the first obstacles are the “ foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons and wild animals” that lurk in the thicket along the path. These animals represent the different aspects of society that pose a threat to Jackson continuing her excursion or, in a broader mindset, her journey of life. These animals could be societal inequality and inhumane treatment. As Jackson continues her journey, she faces more trouble. Welty describes that “thick tears went over [Phoenix's] eyes” but never states that the tears actually fall. Jackson also expresses that it felt “'like there is chains about [her] feet’”. This supports the theme of perseverance as Phoenix became overwhelmed with emotion and fatigue, but despite the circumstances still managed to hold it

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