Compare And Contrast Kate Chopin And Eudora Welty

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This paper focuses on two stories written by two writers during in the nineteenth-century period to explore differences or similarities in their writing. Specifically, the current paper compares and contrasts how Eudora Welty and Kate Chopin convey issues in their society by considering the use of language, themes, point of view, and characterization in A Worn Path and Regret respectively.
Critics have lauded Eudora Welty’s knack for creating art out of everyday experiences that touched her life. Indeed, most of Welty’s writing is the result of a resolute shaping imagination and a deep founded love and comprehension of carefully chosen language to conjure characters in dramatic motion (Warren, 1944). In A Worn Path, Welty replicates this mastery of language to tell the story of an elderly African American woman on a journey to the town of Natchez to …show more content…

Chopin is known for her use of a dramatic style to propagate feministic rights and outlooks. According to Skaggs (1994), the common theme in Chopin’s literary works was to demonstrate “the intrinsic conflict between the traditional requirement that a wife form her life around her husband’s and a woman’s need for discrete personhood . . ." (Skaggs, 1994, p. 635). Essentially, Chopin seeks to convey the argument that women are continually in pursuit of self-realizations, and sexual experience plays a big role in this quest. In keeping with this distinction, the story Regret revolves around a female protagonist Mamzelle Aurelle, a spinster in her early fifties, who lives with her dog. One day Mamzelle is entrusted to take care of her neighbor’s (Odile) children, a task she finds difficult at first but gradually she begins enjoying taking care of the children and subsequently heartbroken when Odile takes them back (Chopin,

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