Exploring Ethnographic Observation in Middle and Higher Education

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PROMPT 1 Middle and higher education are my work contexts as a teacher. Ethnographic observation seems to be hard to plan and apply since most of my students have a part-time job and they do not spend much time at home. Ethnographic observation demands to devote a lot of time and planning. However, it is worthy since it provides teachers with the opportunity to develop themselves as researchers and to improve their professional practices. It allows teachers know students contexts and the marginalized literacy practices they perform. Regarding my high school students, Preparatoria de la Arquidiósesis de Monterrey, ethnographic observation can be done as an extension of the socioeconomic study each student has before each semester. The totality
In order to design and perform lessons based on such perspective, teachers have to identify possible funds of knowledge which enhance and support students learning. Later, the funds of knowledge should be incorporated into the curriculum. In relation to my college students, it might be difficult to implement this perspective since ethnographic observation requires students and their family to be observed at home. However, there are certain activities I have done in my courses, especially in the Sociolinguistics course, in which my students use their funds of knowledge in a certain way. For instance, my students usually share memories related to language about their relatives and friends who live in another state when discussing regional dialects. They do the same when discussing language features according to age and gender. Most of my students are multilingual; they speak at least three languages, Spanish, and other two languages as a foreign language. So, they share examples related to the themes and their experience about speaking a certain language. In addition, my students usually bring examples of the language practices discussed in class. They obtained such examples from the tv programs, books, and magazines they use for entertainment. Undeniably, these activities allow students to value everyday practices and to perceive changes in their own

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