Ethical Issues In Savior Siblings By Virginia Bernhagen

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Your ethics about how you handle your children is morally wrong, a child is a gift that is bestowed upon not a last option to save the life of its other siblings. Yes, as a parent it is understandable that you would do anything to save your child. To you it might have been seen as the right thing to do at the time but you may have not considered the after affects it would have on the family. In the article “Savior Siblings” by Virginia Bernhagen demonstrates cases similar to yours. Also, with information provided by lawyers Amber Kaimer and Daniel Kolmel to provide you with the facts of your wrongdoings. To begin with you can not force your daughter Anna to forcefully give up her kidney to her sister Kate if she is against it because, stated …show more content…

While this was what you were trying to do, you neglected your other two children by just being focused solely on Kate. “Although I am nine months pregnant, although I have had plenty of time to dream, I have not really considered the specifics of this child. I have thought of this daughter only in terms of what she will be able to do for the daughter I already have…Then again, my dreams for her are no less exalted; I plan for her to save her sister’s life.” (Picoult 119). Shows that from the beginning, that you’ve only seen Anna as Kate’s last hope to save her and that you really never considered anything more about her. When the author states, "My parents tried to make thing normal, but that's a relative term. The truth is, I was never really a kid. To be honest neither were Kate and Jesse. I guess maybe my brother had his moment in the sun for the four years he was alive before Kate got diagnosed, but ever since then, we've been too busy looking over our shoulders to run headlong into growing up. You know how most little kids think they're like cartoon characters -- if an anvil drops on their heads they can peel themselves off the sidewalk and keep going? Well' I never once believed that. How could I, when we practically set a place for Death at the dinner table?" (Picoult 9). Explains that you had neglected your kids and robbed them from the childhood that they should have had despite

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