Ethical Issues In Ender's Game

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In the novel Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, one of the human rights issues dealt with is the women's inequality. One of the main characters, Petra, is one of the only girls in the battle school in the novel. She is often set apart from her fellow male schoolmates, and found it hard to make friends with the children her age since she was the only girl. While this is a fictitious novel, the issue of women's inequality is all too real, and most of the issues are far more severe than a young girl having problems making friends. Let's look at women rights movements around the world, and explore what you can do to change these everyday struggles for women, in other countries and in your own home town. An example of women’s inequality in other countries is arranged marriage. According to a 2013 study 39,000 girls forced into marriage …show more content…

Three of these women are a part of a group called the Muslim Brotherhood, a fundamentalist organization. The women of the Brotherhood say the group is doing more than any other political movement in Egypt to promote women in a political scene where men have always held a near total monopoly. Confident and articulate, the women say they are pushing for a greater voice within the Brotherhood itself and its political party, the Freedom and Justice Party, where the leadership is entirely male. Women’s say in politics are often suppressed because in Islam it is believed that it is a woman’s job to raise children. However, now women are not satisfied with only keeping their role in the household. El-Garf, a 47-year-old mother of seven, said that a woman's role in her family need not contradict with her participation in politics, saying that she balances these two responsibilities. El-Garf joined the Brotherhood when she was 15 and has done social work and community organizing for the

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