Essay On Youth Gang Violence

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The criminal justice/social justice issue that I plan on studying is “Youth Gang Activity and Violence”. The reasons why I wanted to study this topic was because there has been issues on the youth generation today. The resent story was a group of gang affiliated went around cutting people and then a few days late the girl gang affiliated started cutting only girls for appreciation. Also knock out, where a group of three to four teens go around neighborhoods and punch people in a way that they fall and take their belonging. There is no single definition on the term “youth gang” it is similar to “street gang” as well as “Criminal street gang”. The state and local jurisdiction frequently develop their own definition on this problem. On the site “National Institute of Justice” their definition on Youth gang activity and street gang are often used in mainstream coverage. In particular cases, youth gangs are distinguished from other classification of gangs; how youth is defined may vary as well. …show more content…

Klein, 1991 noted that “there was little pressure to attend carefully to issues od definition…. What is a gang” They classified gangs as a group that has three or more members, generally aged between 12–24, members share an identity: typically linked to sign, hand sign, tattoos, how they are dressed and often other symbols. Members view themselves as a gang, and they are recognized by others as a gang. The group engage in criminal activity and uses violence or intimidation to further its criminal objectives. Responses from law enforcement agencies in the National Youth Gang Survey (NYGS) indicate that among the characteristics of greatest importance in defining a gang are group identity and criminal activity, a group name, and accompanying signs and symbols that outwardly represent the group to

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