Essay On The Seven Chakras

553 Words2 Pages

Crystal Williams 00717049
Yoga for Dancers
The Seven Chakras
There are seven energy centers, Chakras that parallel the spine. Each Chakra has certain qualities and associations. The yoga postures are what help to get this energy in balance.
Within the body exist a series of minor and major energy centers called Chakras. The word Chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or spinning circle. Each of the seven major Chakras has its own distinct character and relates to a unique aspect of our being. The Chakras correlate to levels of consciousness, body functions, colors, elements, sounds, and much more. Any blockage or energetic dysfunction of the Chakras is believed to give rise to physiological, psychological, emotional or spiritual disorders. There are seven major Chakras that if evenly balanced, aid our lives in many ways.
1. Muladhara is located at the very bottom or the base of the spine. This Chakra deals with aspects of physical identity, survival, stability, instinctual nature, ambition, and self-sufficiency. Yoga postures that help to balance this Chakra are Mountain Pose (Tadasan...

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