The Name Of The Rose Essay Topics

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Research Proposal The Defeat of the Detective: Investigating the Elements of the Detective Novel in Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose Introduction: In recent years, the universally popular detective genre, which was invented in 1841 by Edgar Allan Poe, has been the site of various critical inquiries and theoretical presumptions. A mystery or detective novel, according to Dennis Porter, “prefigures at the outset the form of its denouement by virtue of the highly visible question mark hanging over its opening”. Answering this question requires, in Portor’s view, requires “a reading approach that parallels the investigative process as a process of making connections”, or of what Priestman calls “bridging gaps in the chain of cause and effect”. This “question mark”, according to Martin Priestman, “encourages the reader to imitate the detective, and to retrace the causative steps from effects back to causes, and in doing so to attempt to answer the question at the heart of all stories of mystery and detection: who did it?” The term ‘whodunnit’ was hence coined in the 1930s to describe a type of …show more content…

The central element of any detective story is the mystery or puzzle and its resolution provided by the detective who is the central figure of the detective story. Therefore, the researcher has undertaken a study which takes a closer look at The Name of the Rose from the perspective of the detective genre using the treatises by John Saggs and Thomas Stauder, key authors and critics in the detective genre, as sources in forming the theoretical

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