Essay On The Antagonist Nurse Ratched

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The antagonist Nurse Ratched is the id in the novel. In the text, “"What worries me, Billy," she said—I could hear the change in her voice—"is how your poor mother is going to take this. She got the response she was after. Billy flinched and put his hand to his cheek like he'd been burned with acid. Mrs. Bibbit's always been so proud of your discretion. I know she has. This is going to disturb her terribly. You know how she is when she gets disturbed, Billy; you know how ill the poor woman can become. She's very sensitive. Especially concerning her son. She always spoke so proudly of you. Nuh! Nuh! His mouth was working. He shook his head, begging her. "You d-don't n-n-need! "Billy Billy Billy," she said. Your mother and I are old friends."No!" …show more content…

He lifted his chin so he was shouting at the moon of light in the ceiling. "N-n-no!" We'd stopped laughing. We watched Billy folding into the floor, head going back, knees coming forward. He rubbed his hand up and down that green pant leg. He was shaking his head in panic like a kid that's been promised a whipping just as soon as a willow is cut.” (pg 270) Correspondingly, Nurse Ratched is toying with Billy’s emotions and blackmailing him with his mother. Comparatively, the id is the demon or the negative side of an individual’s mind and personality. Furthermore, Nurse Ratched always manipulated individuals to do her own work and to always make unreasonable choices. Also, Nurse Ratched always make the patients cowards and not taste freedom or let them live their lives only a little. Another example, “No. She doesn't need to accuse. She has a genius for insinuation. Did you ever hear her, in the course of our discussion today, ever once hear her accuse me of anything? Yet it seems I have been accused of a multitude of things, of jealousy and paranoia, of not being man enough to satisfy my wife, of having relations with male friends of mine, of holding my cigarette in an affected manner, even—it seems to me—accused of having nothing between my legs but a patch of hair—and soft and downy and blond hair at

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