Essay On Social Statuses

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Everyone has some sort of social interaction in their lifetime. Even a hermit crab has social interaction with other hermit crabs in their lifetime. The definition of social interaction is the process by which people act and react in relation to others. Humans today begin to have social interactions with others before the age of one. When humans have social interaction with others, it forms a status. The definition of a status is a social position that a person holds. A person can hold many different statuses in their lifetime; this is called a status set. Many sociologists classify statuses in the terms of how people attain them (Person Custom Sociology). Each status also has different roles for that individual play.
When a person is born, they already have many statuses. An ascribed status is a social position a person receives at birth or takes on involuntary in life (Person Custom Sociology). Examples are male, female, teenager, daughter, son, or widower. The other status that a person takes on voluntary and reflects …show more content…

For example, a female is a teacher at a local middle school, but he is also a proud parent of three children. The female mom has her oldest son in her class. One day he is goofing off in class with some of his friends. Her mother instincts are to protect her son by only giving him a warning, but the right thing to do is give him a detention for goofing off. Now the mother has a conflict between being a teacher and being a parent. She decides to let her son and his friends off with a warning. In this example, the female mother/parent has role conflict between her job as a parent and as a teacher. Role strain is when tension among the roles connected to a single status. Person Custom Sociology example is a college professor may enjoy being friendly with students, but at the same time the professor must maintain the professional distance to evaluate students

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