The Typally Duty Of A Pastry Chef By Kate Cooker

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SWEET SUCCESS Making desserts can be just hobby or can turn into a professional career. I started making desserts as a hobby later I deicided to turn it into a career. This paper will talk about what it is like as a pastry chef. This paper will include parts of an interview with exceitive pastry chef Kate Richter. She works in Sarah’s cake shop located in Chesterfield. Also this paper will also talk about the difference is between a baker and a pastry chef. And What is the typally duty of a pastry? What takes to become a pastry chef? All these questions and more and will be explored in the paper. First of all, What is the difference between a baker and a pastry chef? Although techniclly both do make sweets, both are as different as apple and oranges. The first thing would to define each job. According to the …show more content…

Is it different than working in a bakery? What are the pros and cons of working in a food truck?. As mentioned earier in this essay Sarah’s cake two food trucks as well as a bakery. I asked Ms. Richter who has experence in working in a food truck, how it differs. She states that as the exective chef she deals mostly with employees. Food trucks deal more with the custmors than the employee. They complety cutmors based she says there are “small and crowded and cramped” (Kate Richter). The pros of working in a food truck, according to Ms. Richter it’s fun, “because you get talk to many different people and see different places.” Since food trucks are mobil they go all over the place. The cons is that it is hot in summer , small and just like any bussiness there will not always have good days. The factors of bad day are that weather is bad, too hot, too cold, raining, snowing whatever else. Aslo a bad location can lead on a bad day. If someone wanted to start a sweets centraled food truck, Ms. Richter advise that you stick to one thing and do it well. She says she sees a lot food who will many things but they often

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