Essay On Mongols

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The Mongols were nomadic people that were raised from birth to defend their empire, had superior military equipment, used advanced military tactics that Europeans did not even use, and spread fear throughout the world due to the rumors that spread by unconquered civilizations. As a result of Mongols conquering many civilizations, they were able to spread their legacy of destruction and disruption, which is still discussed today. Using these fear tactics along with their superior military equipment and military tactics the Mongols expanded their empire across vast distances. Examples of this can be seen in 1209 when the Mongols began to raid the His-Hsia Empire and finally conquered it in 1227. Another example was the conquering of the Khwarazmian During their childhood, Mongol children were taught how to use a bow and arrow at a young age to defend their livestock against predators, which later allowed the children to become deadly warriors due to the years of practice. An example of the deadly precision the Mongols had with their bows and arrows was when Mongol queens fought in battle. Unlike other empires, young girls were also taught the same lessons as the boys, which was especially evident with the children of the Great Khan. Evidence of girls receiving the same teachings as boys was when Borte, Genghis Khan’s wife, trained their daughters to be great archers since Genghis Khan would later put them in charge of his conquered lands. However, girls were not trained using swords or in the Mongols case homemade axes since they were believed to be weaker and would be unable to have a chance against their enemies in close combat. Nonetheless, these women warriors were fierce according to letters from the Dominican friar and an archbishop in 1234 and 1238 who reported that a “Mongol princess led [an] army and [not] only fought but acted like a This was achieved by Mongol mothers not being able to cry in front of their children due to Mongols believing it would bring the children harm when they finally went to battle as a result of it showing them weakness. This bravery was shown in battle when Mongol warriors known as mangudai would charge towards the enemy and then retreat back to the Mongol army to draw out the enemy forces, which was one of the Mongol’s many military tactics. Mongol children were also taught to think for themselves and solve problems when they arise. This teaching would later become useful when Mongol warriors needed to quickly respond to an enemy attack that had not been planned for, such as the use of a flag communication system that allowed Mongol warriors to warn one another. By combining these lessons taught at an early age Mongol warriors showed no fear in battle, were deadly with their bow and arrow, and could solve unexpected problems that their generals had not planned for. Due to the training the Mongols received as children, this allowed Mongol armies to have fierce warriors that were not afraid of death resulting in their armies being able to carry out difficult tasks, which allowed them to spread their legacy of

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