Essay On Jury Selection

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Jury Selection of the 1930’s was very racially bias and prejudice towards the African American race. Also they minimialized women's rights by not letting them participate in the jury.The jury selection process has changed vastly from the 1930’s until now, it is more complex and safe and open to all race and gender, people can’t just be on the jury there is a selection process for it.

Surprisingly you can get out jury selection easier than you would think. You can be excused for the following reasons. The care of an bedridden family member, if you have financial hardship, you have a health problem keeping you from serving jury duty, you are still a student. Also if you are away temporarily, you’re on vacation you have some kind of work hardship. Those reasons will get your jury duty postponed to another month. The jury selection process today is simple, but very thorough in it’s purpose. Which is to select a jury obviously. The jury selection process starts when their names are randomly drawn from voters lists and sometimes drivers lists. So virtually anyone above 18 can be chosen for jury duty. They then receive a questionnaire to decide whether or not they meet the legal requirements for jury duty. The individuals who receive these questionnaires are obligated to
First all ages & races would have been able to participate on the jury and been picked at random. It would’ve not just some racially bias people of the town that would just convict him anyway. There would be a process behind it of getting people from the town together and asking them questions that would subconsciously expose the extent if any of their racial or any type of bias. They would they strike the jurors they saw unfit for jury duty. Therefore there would have been a fair trial and I believe that Tom Robinson would have been found innocent in the rape of Mayella

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