Essay On Irish Constitution

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‘Is the Irish Constitution (1937) relevant in a modern Irish Society?’ ‘Marriage Equality in Ireland’ The 1937 Constitution is one the oldest written constitutions in Europe, and has most definitely stood the test of time. It is fundamental to the State and is regularly referred to as a living document as it is what we as a country live by and from this, it must constantly be in date with the people and culture of Ireland, meaning seventy-seven years on, it is time for a change. Society changes every day, it has changed an unimaginable amount in seventy-seven years since the drafting of our constitution. There are many areas needing redrafting in the constitution, women’s rights, abortion, family rights to name just a few. In this essay, I am going to focus on the area of marriage equality in the constitution, focusing on the provision of same sex marriage, or lack of. Marriage holds a privileged place in the constitution and among society, however there is no definition of marriage in the constitution. Article 41 in the constitution guarantees the rights of the family, which is specifically defined as a family based on marriage, however this raises the question, what about same sex marriage? Same sex marriage has no provision or mention in the constitution, except for the fact that it is forbidden, does this mean that these couples, which are growing more common throughout Ireland today, have no right to a family? If there was ever a provision that needed to be updated, this was it. Surely it is completely inhumane and against everything our country stands for denying people these rights to marriage, you cannot deny any couple, same sex or not the right to have a family or their right to marriage. This goes aga... ... middle of paper ... ...mily status at all. Currently, this is one of the topics stated in the Constitutional Convention for discussion; this in itself shows how important this topic is in being resolved. On a recent submission to the Convention, a proposal was suggested to put the issue of marriage equality to the people of Ireland in a referendum, by doing this it was suggested that a clause be entered into the constitution after article 41.3.1 providing that “no two people may be lawfully prevented from marrying each other by reason of their gender.” This would exclude any further marriage inequality as well as legalizing same sex marriage. I personally think, this step is what our county needs in order to move forward; after all it is the people who will ultimately decide on how we confront these challenges and it is to the people that the challenges should be given.

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