Essay On Identity In Invisible Man And Mirrorings

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The word identity is one of those words that has various meaning based on the situation and who you are talking to. Identity can refer to who someone is, found by knowing their name and background, but can also refer to who they are based off their character and personality. I personally think identity has to do more with a person’s character and traits than what their name is. In this case identity is not defined by who you physically are such as your gender or race but who you are to yourself and to others. While most people define themselves by using their race, sexuality, or religion there are many other ways to define yourself the most popular way coming from how others define you. While many people say to not let the way others view you change how you view yourself it is common knowledge that despite how hard you try the way others see you influences how you …show more content…

The difference comes from how they were being defined by other people and how these issues impacted them daily. In ‘The Invisible Man” the man took on the identity of a ghost despite clearly not being one. This comes from being treated like he is invisible because of the color of his skin and having so many people treat him like he is invisible that he started to believe himself that he was not there. In “Mirrorings” the protagonist has an entirely different problem and that is being seen too much. From a young age she had problems with who she was and how others looked at her stemming from things such as her mother encouraging her to wear wigs after her chemo was done and harsh words from boys. Even in her older years and in college she still did not think that someone could love her because of her disfigurement and the taunting from boys in her younger years. These two people coming from different sides of the spectrum as there is a woman who was always seen and a man who was

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