Essay On Friar Lawrence At Fault In Romeo And Juliet

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In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet I believe the Friar Lawrence is at fault, there were many warning signs that he wasn't doing the right thing and he did what was in his best interest. Sometimes you don’t mean to mess things up, but you end up anyway. That's what ended up happening to the friar in my opinion. He found himself caught in a terrible situation that turned for the worse after some of his controversial decisions. Those decisions range from when he first agreed to marry the two young lovers to when he failed to inform the families after things started to get grotesque. Then his last and final tragic mistake was when he came up with an irrational plan to keep Romeo and Juliet together and keep Juliet from marrying Paris. So the wonderful friar’s first mistake is right in the beginning, when he agreed to marry the young kids. I don’t know what he was thinking when he did this. First off Juliet's 12, Romeos 17. If that doesn’t scream don’t marry them, I don’t know what does. Second they come from families that are sworn adversaries. He knows if he does this no one can know about it …show more content…

You could look at it as if Capulet and Montague are the ones to blame. If they hadn’t had this huge feud Romeo and Juliet could’ve gotten married with no troubles at all. However since the families did have the feud things were different. Now instead of going to her parents for advice when she was in her time of distress she went to the Friar. That's a lot of pressure on the Friar. So next I feel as If the Friar panicked when Juliet came to him in that desperation. “Then she comes to me and with wild looks bid me devise” (Shakespeare 476). The Capulet household was very shaky, “Or I will drag thee on a hurdle” (Shakespeare 444). This describes what was happening at home with Juliet. She had no other choice other than kill herself, because in this quote her dad threatens her if she didn’t marry

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