The Five Stages Of Erikson's Theory Of Development

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The first psychological theory that is pertinent to my problem is Erikson’s theory of development. This theory grasps that a person’s personality develops in a sequence from eight psychosocial stages of development. The eight stages that Erikson’s theory are trust versus mistrust, autonomy versus shame and doubt, initiative versus guilt, industry versus inferiority, identity versus identity confusion, intimacy versus isolation, generativity versus stagnation, and integrity versus despair. Erikson theory states that as a person ages from infancy through old age, they go through these eight psychosocial stages in order. He viewed socioemotional development as a lifelong process. All of the stages have either a positive or negative outcome. The …show more content…

According to the NEO PI-R, the survey, I have a high level of Conscientiousness. Conscientiousness shows that an individual has a high level of discipline and organization. The NEO PI-R test shows that I have a high aspiration level and strive for excellence in whatever I do. However, it also states that I sometimes find a task too difficult, and this results in me quitting. In addition, the NEO PI-R also described me as hasty, and I act without considering the consequences of an action. The reasoning behind this is that I tend to become discouraged when I do not understand an idea. The passion that I have for greatness is what truly comes blocks my way. Before coming to West Point, I was always on top of everything. I was team captain of the soccer team, had stellar grades, and most of the school population knew me. However, when I entered BEAST Barracks, the high level of conscientiousness would decrease. The strong sense of striving for excellence would allow my mind to overthink the simplest of all tasks. I put in all of my attention of myself, instead of the squad as a whole. I tended to make more mistakes, and I eventually became the “screw-up” of the squad. This destroyed my confidence because of the label given to me. I was not as organized or discliped with my thoughts as I was before BEAST. Change did occur during BEAST, and I would soon gain a higher Agreeableness factor for others around me. I started to trust and help the people that were in my squad. After this, I focused my goals more as a team, then as a one lone person. The Five Factor Model applies to my problem because it shows the factors that were in play throughout my BEAST experience. The factor of me striving for excellence and creating a competition in my mind showed that I became less organized and more suspicious of others around me. I would not help others due to my selfish view. This showed that I was

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