Essay On Distributive Justice System

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There are four different types of Justice Systems, Distributive and Retributive are the two systems that are very different yet alike. Both of these systems serve different purposes whether they have a positive or negative effect. Distributive is all about equality hoping to balance everything without causing problems. Retributive is about punishing those who have disobeyed in exchange for a positive outcome. Equality and punishment are main principles in the system but how diverse they are and the results they provide are what is intriguing. The Distributive Justice System is known as the “fair share” (Maiese 1). What it means is that it revolves around equity, equality, and need. Equity means that one’s reward should amount to one’s contribution to society. You settle for what you accomplish rather than settling for something less than the work you have completed. Equality is when everyone receives the same amount of reward no matter how much or how little you have accomplished. It benefits those who work less but not to those who contribute the most. Need is unlike the others, no matter how much work you have accomplished, the one’s that require it the most shall receive the reward. Needless to say, you bust your …show more content…

The difference between these two is that distributive acts upon equality which is its main principle, meaning everyone should get treated the same way in a positive way. For the accomplishments that have been committed, a reward shall be presented to everyone that was a part of it. That’s what equality is about and that is what the Distributive Justice System is about. Retributive acts upon punishment which is it main principle. Everyone that deserves to be punish will be punished for the crimes that have been committed. All this happens in hopes of future wrong doing to decease, which is why Retributive acts upon punishment to eliminate

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