Essay On Concussions In Soccer

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Major head concussions in soccer
My topic is about major concussions in soccer. Whoever reads this needs to know about this topic because concussions in soccer is a dangerous situation.The impact on soccer rapidly accelerates the head, causing the brain to strike the inner skull. Players would achieve that heading a ball can cause damage, like a concussion. People would learn things they never would know, like compared to other sports head injuries are common in soccer. People wondering why concussions happen a lot in soccer.This question would be important to people because the readers or whoever that’s reading this knows why or how concussions are caused or how they would affect them in soccer. Players, coaches or whoever probably wondering, …show more content…

Concussions happen rarely, but concussions are a brain injury resulting from a head trauma usually a blow to the head or a whiplash movement. In all sports concussions is the most common brain injury among athletes. The interrupt messages from the brain to the body. The injury also disrupts normal signals within the brain. That’s why injured players may have confusion, impaired vision, slurred speech, or trouble with balance and muscle control. To further our understanding of the relationship of heading, head injury, and cognitive deficits, we need to learn more about the actual impact of a ball on the head, verify the exposure to heading at all ages and competitive levels determine stable estimates of concussive injury rates across the soccer spectrum, conduct of soccer players udinal studies on soccer players focusing on exposure, injury and cognition and determine the minimum safe age to begin instruction in the skill of heading. While most of the new concussion research is distributing, non is more so than the research showing a link between athletes who sustain concussions. Soccer players are prone to traumatic brain injury, with 22 percent of all injuries being concussions. According to concussion expert Christopher nowinski, some of that athletic peer pressure is institutionalized.Injured athletes are forced to watch practice in full pads and helmets. The most common brain injury among …show more content…

Injuries are more common to the ankles, knee, elbow, shoulder and neck. The most common sport injuries are strains and sprains. Sprains are injuries to ligaments, the tough bands connecting bones in a joint. Suddenly stretching ligament past their limits deforms or tease them. Strains are injuries to muscle fibers or tendons, which other muscles to bones. Muscles, tendons, and ligaments are more common. When people think sport injuries a bacteria infection would rarely come to mind. In recent years bacteria called Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus., referred to MRSA has surfaced in the sports world. As competition increased, so did the injuries. More and more teams began hiring trainers who have some background in first aid. Increasing number of patients, the biggest change over the centuries is the number of people who utilize the talents of professionals who deal with sport injuries. The centers for disease control and prevention(CDC) estimates that 7.1 million Americans suffer sports or exercise related injuries each year. “We hope these new findings will open up new approaches for detecting, monitoring and preventing cumulative brain injuries in sports. We need to safeguard the long-term health of soccer players at all levels as well as individuals involved in other contact sports.” Some injuries are less serious than others some require little more than the rest. A new approach to treatment. The level injury, symptoms lasted

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