Essay On Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper

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Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s story “The Yellow Wallpaper” is about a mentally troubled young woman who is undergoing care for depression. She is in a state of anxiety for much of the story, with alternating flashes of sarcasm, anger, and desperation. The story is told in the form of her secret diary, in which she jots down her thoughts as her obsession with the yellow wallpaper grows. She begins her story with a brief description of the house she and her husband are staying in for the summer and states, “that there is something queer about it.” (473). That leads her into a discussion about her illness in which she is suffering from nervous depression—and of her marriage. She complains that her husband John, who is also her doctor, does not take both her illness and her thoughts and concerns in general too serious because “he does not believe I (the narrator) am sick!” (473).
Although she has to “disagree with their ideas.” (473) Because she believes “that congenial work, with excitement and change” (473) would help her condition because “it is such a relief!” (477). In her secret diary, she describes the house as mostly positive, but disturbing elements such as “rings and things in the walls” (474). She doesn’t complain much about the house, just about the room her and John are staying in. She describes the room as “a big, airy room, the whole floor nearly, with windows that look all ways, and air and sunshine galore.” (474). Something about that wallpaper really disturbs her and she just cannot seem to figure out what exactly it is. She states that she has “never saw a worse paper in my life. One of those sprawling, flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin.” (474) And describes the wallpaper as “a smouldering unclean yellow”

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