Essay On Big Ideas In Macbeth

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While Shakespeare uses a variety of literary devices to convey the meaning of big ideas in his tragedy, Macbeth, his common use of imagery is quite notable. This can be justified in situations such as Macbeth realizing the reality of being crowned king and Lady Macbeth abandoning her femininity. Imagery is first used to convey meaning of big ideas in the novel when Macbeth is realizing the reality of becoming king and what would have to occur in order for that happen. When Duncan is thanking Macbeth for his service to Cawdor in the battle. He says that he will be crowning his son, Malcolm, Prince of Cumberland that night and he will be honoring Macbeth and Banquo for their good deeds as well, however Macbeth cannot get past the fact that Duncan has a son that’s being …show more content…

In describing this big idea, he uses a set of stairs to convey the message. He says the crown is at the top of the stairs where Duncan is currently standing. Below that is Malcolm, followed by Duncan’s younger son, Donalbain. Finally, Macbeth stands farthest from the crown below Donalbain. As Duncan and his sons stand in Macbeth’s way of becoming king, he uses imagery by describing the light of the stars within him going dim. As the light inside him represents his dark desires of executing those who stand in his way of the thrown, the dimming of the stars represents hiding his terrible wishes. Additionally, Shakespeare uses imagery to depict the meaning of the moment in which Lady Macbeth talks about stripping herself of femininity. After reading her letter from Macbeth, stating he would one day be king and that he would be coming home to celebrate with Duncan, Lady Macbeth decides she will not let Duncan leave the house alive. She tells the spirits that she wishes to be stripped of her femininity so that her plan to kill Duncan cannot be stopped by overwhelming

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