Essay On Academic Decathlon

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Conditioning my brain muscles, lifting 2 by 3 inch flashcards, and honing my guessing skills, I am a Decathlete. Ever since the summer of 2013, I made a life changing choice to join a particular group of rejects, outcasts of teenage society, known as the Academic Decathlon Team. Even my friends poked fun at me for deciding to associate myself in a class where students apprehensively awaited to answer academic questions via buzzer (which I now know is a common misconception). However,
Academic Decathlon has become my second home where I have spent countless of my lunch breaks with my fellow teammates.

Here, I was considered the “most normal” out of my peers. Throughout my high school career, I was neither at the top nor at the bottom of the social food chain and managed to live a mediocre teenage life, but that didn’t hold true for the rest of the team. Rather, many of them acquired peculiar avocations such as memorizing the entire atlas. Specifically, I had met Vincent last year, an antisocial freshman, who had trouble opening …show more content…

It was through these session that I started to unravel Vincent page by page. What I speculated to be a reticent, mundane teen, was in truth overflowing with color. Never would I have imagined to discover his affection for constructing contraptions from spare garage parts. And never ceasing to amaze me, I realized that Vincent had always had a strong adoration in all his activities, whether studying for school or enjoying his hobby.
While helping Vincent break out of his shell, I didn't want to disappoint him with my lack of passion. I embraced this fervor to bolster my junior through my actions. We fed off of each other's drive. A few months later, our hard work payed off: Vincent a medal in speech and I in interview.
It takes courage to sail in uncharted

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