Essay Comparing Young Goodman Brown And A Worn Path

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Young Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and A Worn Path, by Eudora Welty, are two distinct stories with similar elements. Young Goodman Brown and A Worn Path are both short stories that share similar elements, such as: point of view, characterization, conflict, protagonists, setting, symbolism, and irony. Both stories also differ in elements such as: conflict, setting, epiphany, and theme.
Young Goodman Brown is about a “good” man who goes through a journey returning as a man of depression, distrustfulness, and incapable of joy. The journey he has taken through the dark forest has changed him. He leaves his wife one evening to venture out into the forest of Salem to “run an errand,” when in reality, he is going to meet the devil. During …show more content…

They are told in third person limited point of view. Third person limited point of view is a method of narration where the narrator only knows the thoughts and feelings of a single character, while the other characters are presented externally. Another similarity between the two stories is the conflict. Goodman Brown and Phoenix Jackson, both the main characters and the protagonist of the stories, experience similar conflicts. Goodman Brown experiences a moral conflict. He knows that walking into the forest constitutes evil because devilish actions and people lurk amongst the dark. Yet, Brown still continues to take on that journey and therefore experiences a moral conflict. Even though he knows it is wrong to venture into the dark forest, he decides to do so because of his curiosity and the fact that his father and grandfather took on that same journey. Similarly, Phoenix Jackson experiences a moral conflict as well. When the white stranger accidentally drops a nickel to the ground, her morals are conflicted with stealing the nickel, instead of returning it to him. Because she ended up not doing the right thing, she Phoenix experienced a moral …show more content…

Both protagonists are round characters. A round character is a complex person that undergoes development throughout the story, sometimes to surprise the reader. Goodman Brown exemplifies a round character because by day, he is a good-mannered Puritan, but by night he is an aspiring devil-worshipper for going into the “evil” forest. Phoenix Jackson is also a round character because of her surprising physical abilities of successfully traveling through the long distance, overcoming many

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