Escapism In 'The Ascent' By Ron Rash

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Imagine a completely made-up world for escaping reality, and that fantasy world becomes the actuality of life. Now, the fantasy world starts consuming the mind and it is all one can think about. Nothing one does seems competent anymore and balancing reality and fantasy becomes a great burden on oneself. The situation starts to become severe when one takes escapism too far. In The Ascent by Ron Rash, a twelve-year-old boy named Jared is exposed to the harsh realities of living. Using his mind, he produces imaginative scenarios in order to escape reality. However, the weight of actuality and fantasy becomes too much for Jared to handle and eventually leads to a permanent consequence. Through the use of organic imagery, the author characterizes …show more content…

As stated before, his isolation and method of escapism ultimately leads to deleterious effects on his mind. Jared becomes more involved in his daydreams, even to the point where his daydreams grow to be an addiction. His mind is now consumed of thoughts about the airplane that he imaginatively visited with Lyndee, his classmate. For Jared, “the high of discovering the plane is no longer a high; it’s now his only means of escape” from his situation with his parents (Martin). The thoughts of the plane enthralls Jared, however they are now poisoning his psyche. It is something that he has been accustomed to, like the way his parents have been accustomed to drugs and alcohol. More importantly, for his last mission to the plane, Jared imaginatively informs Lyndee that it is too dangerous for her to go with him. He packs his tools together in his backpack and sets off to fix the plane. The narrator states, “More weight to carry, [Jared] thought, but at least he wouldn’t have to carry them back” (Rash 287). Readers can infer that Jared’s mindset is now full of misery and depressing thoughts. They realize that Jared will never come back to his home and is going to disappear into the snowy night forever. It is human nature for one to try and escape from reality when hardships happen. Everyone does it, however sometimes humans tend take escapism too far from reality. Like Jared, when this circumstance occurs, one’s mind is usually affected immensely. Moreover, the person is filled with numbness; their human behaviour is changing and everything they do seem to be robotic. The fantasy world in which they have created to escape reality becomes their whole life. All in all, taking a high dosage escapism can create pernicious ideas in one’s mind and lead to crucial

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