Ernest Hemingway Hills Like Elephants Feminist Analysis

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In the short story “ Hills Like Elephants “ Ernest Hemingway writes a realistic fictional story about an American man and woman sitting in front of the café while drinking beer. Both are waiting for the train to Barcelona at a Spanish train station in Spain, after a few drinks of beer, the female started gazing around and noticing strange things, like when she started staring at the hills and comparing them to white elephants. I had a strong feeling there was something on her mind and it was worrying her. The man brought up a conversation, which left her in a fairly quiet position. For a moment she had nothing to say other than sit quietly. The conversation is about getting an abortion but I sense that she is doing something There’s no choice but to do it. She doesn’t have anyone else but him because she is millions of miles away from her home. He is telling her it is up to her if she wants the baby or not but he knows if she has the baby nothing will ever be the same. The relationship will never work because they are in their early 20s and not ready to take that big step. The man was also telling her that it was a pretty simple procedure but he also tells her its up to her. He is not directly telling her to throw away the baby but he is insisting her to do so. She is stuck in between two things and theirs no we she could convince him to just say “lets have the baby”. He is not really supporting her because he doesn’t want to have the baby and to prove it Thanatassa, College teacher said ” Jig is pregnant with the man's child and the man is urging her to get an abortion, while she is somewhat ambivalent about the process. The man is uncomfortable with the idea of fatherhood, because he has been traveling around Europe enjoying himself, and thinks that the responsibilities of fatherhood would get in the way of spending a life attending parties and trying out new drinks. Jig is pregnant with the man's child and the man is urging her to get an abortion, while she is somewhat ambivalent about the process. The man is uncomfortable with the idea of fatherhood, because he

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