Equality 7-2521 In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Anthem, Ayn Rand Dystopian novel Written in 1937 but published in 1938 The protagonist would be equality 7-2521 because he had to fight through whatever the government has set for him,like he found a tunnel and did stuff is wasn't supposed to as a street sweeper The antagonist would be the world scholars because they are the only one holding the protagonist progress to becoming who he truly his The story give a focus on one man life, in the nearest future in which they have made everything and everybody equal, equality 7-2521 strive to be a different person.equality 7-2521 finds an underground tunnel in where he find somewhere to be creative,and not restricted by the government, equality find a girl he truly really likes liberty 5-3000.they …show more content…

Equality 7-2521 records his thoughts and actions in a straightforward manner, with no trace of irony. And i also notice he was speaking very truthfully about himself. Equality 7-2521 struggles for self-identification in a society that has rejected individualism in favor of collectivism.equality 7-2521 which i notice,he never gave up. Another thing i notice is that the names where familiar prometheus and gaea, so when i googled it promethus from greek mythology is a …show more content…

From this, he is learning on how to put on a light bulb. In the fifth chapter many days after his first conversation with golden, equality meets her again but this time she was already waiting for him, equality started calling her “dearest one”. There is a cooler field where they could just lie

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