Epiphany In The Story Of An Hour

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In “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, she introduces the characters by stating that Mrs. Mallard has a heart disease, so Richards, Mr. Mallard's friend, and Josephine, Mrs. Mallard's sister must break the news to her very carefully. When she hears the news, she weeps “with wild abandonment” at first, and when she has stopped crying, she goes up to her room and locks herself in. While she has a feeling of deep sadness, the positive imagery in the open window in her room shows the beauty in life, greatly contrasting her current emotions towards her husband's death. After seeing this, she slowly has an epiphany and gets a new, sweeter feeling, which she reveals as freedom. She knew she would weep again at his funeral, but she could now live …show more content…

At the time, women could not even own property. She felt overwhelming joy and hope for the future. All the while, her sister pleads her to open the door, thinking that she might make herself ill. Louise looked out the window once more, and then opens the door to her sister. While descending down the stairs with her sister, Josephine, the front door opens and her husband enters through it. Upon seeing this, she immediately dies of a heart attack. The doctors say that she died of immense joy, which strained her heart and killed her, but the reader can assume otherwise based on her past emotions. While she loved her husband and he loved her, the marriage held her back. It repressed her and escaping it gave her a sweet sense of freedom. She saw the true beauty of the scenery outside her window, and could now live her life however she pleased. She felt this freedom for a few minutes before the sight of her husband in the doorway, alive and well, tantalizingly ripped that feeling away. She did not die of happiness, but rather the heartbreak of having to go back to the oppressive life she had previously

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