Epic In Star Wars

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There are many characteristics of an epic story in the movie Star Wars. Some of those include bravery, loyalty, and a vast setting. Star Wars is a movie about the hero discovering who his true father is and finding a way to bring peace between everyone. The first characteristic of an epic in Star Wars is bravery. The main character, Luke, displays bravery through many ways throughout the course of the film. Towards the beginning of the plot, Luke is living on his farm on a desert planet with his aunt and uncle. He desperately wants to find a way off the planet in search for a better life. He ends up coming in contact with an old man, Obi-Wan. He discovers that he was once a Jedi and soon wants to learn the ways of becoming a great warrior. Luke is explained how the Force works and the difference between good and bad. While talking to Obi-Wan, Luke learns of a message from a …show more content…

Luke is loyal to his followers and his followers are loyal to him. They all help each other get through difficult situations and without each other, they probably would have failed. One example of this is when they are all trapped in a garbage chute on the ship. The walls start closing in until they are almost crushed. Until they display teamwork and help each other escape, can they live and go save Leia. Another example of loyalty being shown throughout the movie is when Luke and Obi-Wan are all in a Cantina. They come into contact with smugglers who owe people lots of money. After talking to the smuggler named Han Solo, they agree to pay him a fee to get off the planet and use his ship. Right before the group leaves, Han Solo is confronted by a bounty hunter. He is told if he doesn’t pay up the money, he will die. Instead of Han paying the money to the bounty hunter, he shoots him under the table killing him. The group helps each other escape the Cantina without being caught and leave the planet on their way to save

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