English 203: Course Analysis

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I have learned several things throughout this course this English 203. I found many things to be interesting and surprising. I feel like this class will help me in the future to be successful. The writing, reading, and discussing different kinds of books was very challenging to me since I am an international student. I feel like I am growing and my writing is improving more than before.
The main thing I have learned throughout this course is the writing. Writing had always been one of my strengths, but it was challenging for this course. When I started the class, I had less than enough English to succeeded; but I had to learn more and learning more makes you brain have more knowledge. The writing aids your brain get more knowledge of the studying field. I have not thought that a reading class would makes you write about what you have been reading. In high school, I had to learn English; because it was one of mandatory subjects to take. It was difficult to learn there; because there are a few people would talk with you in English. Also, the main language there is Arabic. However, learning a new language developed my life. Furthermore, I had a little fear of writing summaries of book; because I’m really bad on summarizing. I really have always enjoyed writing; …show more content…

In fact, books are a uniquely portable magic. Moreover, reading books give a huge knowledge of getting more information and it helps developing the brain of humans. To me, it’s a challenging for me to read; because it’s hard to read too many books. For example, Gulliver’s Travel was enjoyable book to read; but as an international student, there are many of vocabularies that I do not know their meaning. So, I had to define many vocabularies and defining takes time. To tell the truth, reading is a tough subject. If I had to read two to three books through the semester, it would be easier than reading too many books and

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