Emotive Language In Under Water By Kate Sheppard

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Persuasion has been a technique to allow people to do something through the use of reasoning or argument. This technique has been seen in writing, propaganda and many other forms that enforce people to choose a side about issues that they feel strong about. It helps influence people’s beliefs toward an issue and changes their perspectives to agree with the argument. Global warming has been a strong issue in current society; however, the issue itself persuades others with awareness but also allows them to contemplate their perspective and provide actions for it. In the text, Under Water by Kate Sheppard, the authors explains to the readers how United States spends billions of dollars on rebuilding the infrastructure of coastlines that …show more content…

Corey S. Powell provides this language throughout his writing which provides the reader to understand his feelings in his argument. In the text, Powell explains his understanding in Morbidelli theory in the solar system in which he says, “Instability is a mechanism that transforms things from generic and boring into particular and interesting,” (Powell 230). The author uses adjectives to make the writing more interesting and be able to make his audience wanting to know more about the particular subject. The choice of the words throughout the text enhances the interest in readers and be able to be more receptive towards the argument. However, Sheppard does not use this technique throughout her writing. In the text, she often provides a large amount of facts to make her argument more concrete such as, “ Fifty percent of the nation’s shorelines…highly vulnerable to sea level rise, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,” (Sheppard 239). Her voice throughout the writing is geared towards a particular audience while Powell is geared towards a general audience. The difference in both writings is that Powell has more emotion in which it allows the audience to be able to connect more while Sheppard provides facts throughout her writing that a particular audience might want …show more content…

Unlike emotive language, tone can change in the writing based on a certain subject. In the text, Under Water, Kate Sheppard’s tone is dull in her writing through which she does not show any emotion in her argument. She provides quotes from other people that were affected by Hurricane Sandy to make the readers feel empathetic which thus makes her argument stronger. In the text, she quotes from the victim of this natural disaster in which he says, “I look at these little moments, this incremental progress, but I wonder, is there enough time? Can we make it?” (Sheppard 250). This provides the readers an understanding of what the victim is going through, but it also makes it hard to find the attitude of the author throughout her writing. However, in the text, The Madness of the Planets, Corey S. Powell provides a curious yet excited tone throughout his writing when he interviews with Morbidelli. In the text, Powell states, “But Morbidelli is not at all gloomy or apocalyptic about his work. The more I speak to him, the more I absorb his perspective,” (Powell 230). The readers get to see his view throughout the writing when he explains Morbidelli’s work and perspective on the solar system. It shows how appreciative he is towards the planetary expert which he demonstrates throughout his argument. Unlike Sheppard, the readers can

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