Emile Hirsch's Roll In 'Into The Movie The Girl Next Door'

858 Words2 Pages

Devin Hanson
Mr. Kern
English 120 film as literature
March 31st, 2014
Emile Hirsch's roll in Into the Wild *** Emile Hirsch plays a young man in search of happiness while traveling across the country in the movie Into the Wild. He starts out on a train heading north for Alaska. He flashes back to his college graduation in Emery, Georgia two years prior. His character, Christopher McCandless had the grades and the funding to get into Harvard Law School and thought about it seriously until he had dinner with his parents on graduation night. His parents wanted to buy him a new car to help him fit in at Harvard Law but he saw nothing wrong with his older and reliable Datsun. After returning home later that evening, Christopher opened his …show more content…

He doesn't want anyone from his past to be a part of his future.The roll compared to the roll he played in the movie The Girl Next Door, which is more of a fun, romantic comedy in which he acted very well. The two rolls are world's apart but he is portrayed as a young man nearing the end of his schooling. In The Girl Next Door he is a very young, sarcastic man who meets a very good looking woman. She takes advantage of him but is also trying to teach him good morals. In the movie Into the Wild he already has good morals set in stone. In The Girl Next Door Hirsch plays the average high school senior who enjoys drinking, spending time with friends, hitting on pretty women. His goal before the end of senior year is to lose his virginity. In Into the Wild he is much more mature and adult-like but also free-spirited and has an ambition to travel America experiencing everything there is to offer in the wild. He builds his character instead of just finding it. The characters he plays are in two completely different places in their lives. Christopher has graduated from college and is figuring out what he wants to do with the rest of his life whereas Matthew is finishing high school and desperately wants to lose his virginity. Emile did very well in both of these movies even though the rolls are drastically different. He executed both styles and did not slip from character even once. The parents in both movies seem to be just as strict and materialistic, the difference being that in The Girl Next Door he is also materialistic in nature but in Into the Wild he has no need for materialistic items and wants to be one with

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