Embedded Assessment: Cultural Identity

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Embedded Assessment #1- Cultural Identity
Cultural identity. Some think of it as where they come from. Others think of it as the same as ethnicity. Both of these types of people are wrong. Cultural identity is the way that a person identifies with a group, especially based on how they were raised. In this essay I will be giving an explanation on what cultural identity is, how it affects people, and what kinds of things develop a cultural identity.
Everybody has a cultural identity, even if they don’t realize it until actively thinking about it. Take me, for instance. I never thought I had a cultural identity, because I lived in a place where the people around me have a similar ideology. I identify as an American. I do things that every other person with a strong sense of American culture does. I celebrate the Fourth of July, I eat a mixture of cultures’ foods, I dress in jeans and a t-shirt most of the time, I agree with the rights that are granted by the government, and most importantly, I know that …show more content…

It’s probably because you both have a strong sense of cultural identity, but that the identities clashed in ideology. This kind of thing can cause you to see the world in a different way, and it can become a sensitive topic for people. For instance, I am usually seen as just another freedom junkie (American) but in reality, I see the world in a very different way than they do. There are both positive and negative things about having a strong sense of cultural identity. Some pros are that if you have a strong cultural identity, you have a group of people with which you can fit into. Another thing is that with a cultural identity, you can find new people more easily because there is something you share. However, as with all good things, there is a downside. Sometimes people can get a little intense and actually resort to violence because you have differing views on the

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