Elving And Alagaesia Comparison

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The Lord of the Rings and the Inheritance Cycle are two very similar, yet very different epics from another age one can only hope to be a part of. But an iconic part of both stories weaves its way in. The Elves, timeless, ageless, mysterious beings of wonder that leave us mystified and awestruck. The Elves of Alagaesia and the many races of Elves in Middle Earth are very similar and yet, to each other, foreign creatures. To see them side by side one would see just how similar and different their lifestyles are, their appearance and nature, and the magical world in which they manipulate through time and energy. The most notable difference between the two is their interaction with dragons. You may think of an elf as a short, spritely little thing with pointy ears, and maybe they even make toys. But the Elves of Alagaesia and Middle Earth are anything but. Humanoid in appearance they are tall, ethereal, and powerful beings. J.R.R Tolkien and Christopher Poalini’s elves both originated from the Old Norse myths of silver-haired, magical creatures that appeared human. They used the myths to bring to life …show more content…

They can be slain on the battlefield or overcome by grief, but if they are not killed then they will live forever. Alagaesian Elves, though long-living, do not live forever. They may live many hundreds or thousands of years but they will, after a time, die and pass into the void. All elves have a deep passion for nature and will go out of their way to protect, preserve, and grow that which they adore. The Alagaesians, true to their love of nature, do not march in formation as it causes unnecessary damage to the land. They live among the forests and many of their homes resemble that of trees or other natural wonders. But while all the Elves of Alagaesia live in Du Weldenvarden (The Guarding Forest) the Elves of Middle Earth live in Rivendell, Mirkwood, Lothlorien, Lindon, and The Undying

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