Elie Wiesel's Short Story: Who Are You?

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The sun hit his face, and his eyes opened only to be closed again. He slowly begins to get up, his stretch making him feel relaxed. His eyes finally open. Where he was, or who he was he did not know. Slowly getting to his feet, he walked toward a door which led somewhere. He opens the door and sees nothing but people dressed the same way he is. All white shirts and pants. A woman approaches him and says, “Good morning Michael.” He looks at her with a blank face, not knowing who this woman is, or how she knows him. Confused, he ignores her and sits down on the couch. The tv is on and FOX news is playing. Michael, the name he remembers the woman calling him. He gets up and walks over to the woman and asks, “Who are you? Where am I?” The woman …show more content…

There were many buildings around him with open doors, but Michael didn't know if they were places that served food. Plus he didn't have any money. As he started to become extremely hungry, Michael started to sit down as his stomach began to bother him. Never before in his life had he felt this way. This feeling of uselessness because he had no energy and this pain that came from his stomach. He felt awful and slowly began to wish he had never left. But from where did he come from? Michael had no recollection of where he came from or how he got to where he was. He had forgotten everything, even his own name. As Michael was sitting, he looked across the street and saw a man sitting on the ground just like he was. He began to pay attention to what the man was doing. There was a small bucket and as people were walking by, they would drop coins and dollar bills. Michael, seeing this wanted to do the same. But how, he didn't have a bucket or anything for people to their coins and bills in. Then he thought of something he considered brilliant. Instead of having to work for the money, Michael thought it would be easier if he were to just take the money from the man across the street. It was faster, and required a lot less work. He had to think of way to get the bucket though. He began to devise a plan. Michael thought that a distraction would be …show more content…

Not realizing that people were watching him, Michael grabbed the bucket of coins, and dollar bills and began to run off. The man started to chase him. Michael, scared didn't know what to do. Michael just kept running, until he ran out of breathe. When he stopped to catch his breathe, Michael looked around to see if the man was still chasing him. He was nowhere to be seen. He looked inside the bucket. There were too many coins for him to count. The bucket had been filled half way up with coins. There were little to no dollar bills, but what had caught his eye was there was a small black book in the bucket. Michael picked the strange book up and opened it. Inside, there was a small wooden pencil and writing. It was the journal of the man that he had taken the bucket from. He began reading from the first

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