Elie Wiesel Faith In The Night

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“Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams into ashes.” said Elie Wiesel, a Nobel Peace Prize winner. The Night written by Elie Wiesel is known as one of the most gruesome and tragic stories to any individual who has read the story of Elie Wiesel. The novel is tragically beautiful because of the honest truth that Elie writes about during his experience in the Holocaust. Throughout Elie’s journey in the concentration camps, he experiences many struggles that no human being should ever have to endure. The one struggle that is constantly resurfacing in the story of Elie Wiesel is of his internal wrestle with his faith. Through inter-dialogue Elie allows us into his thoughts during his stay in the Holocaust. The twisted evil he witnesses is reason enough to lose faith in a higher power. Elie repeatedly brings up his loss of faith making it the most important theme of this devastating journey. Questioning one's faith is no new topic to anyone who has belief in a higher power along …show more content…

He was so disgusted by the fact that God turned a blind eye to him even though he had always followed God with a blind faith. Elie was abandoned at the time he needed it the most, which was infuriating for him. We see glimpses of Elie questioning and rejecting God, with good reason. The novel Night was most definitely a tragic read, but it is something that everyone should have to read because it teaches us so much on how blind faith is not always going to get us through difficulties we face in life. Elie Wiesel will forever be remembered as the brave man who publicly questioned the existence of God because of his experiences with the cruelty he witnesses, the inhumane ways he and others were treated and the lack of interference from the God

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