Egad: A Short Story

501 Words2 Pages

I first became aware that I, too, was hitting middle-age when I had to get my first pair of bifocals. To add insult to injury, the kid optometrist (I swear he was still in his teens) told me that most middle-aged people needed bifocals. Middle-aged! Egad, I didn’t feel much different than I had in my 20s, so I decided to ignore it. Then I started having hot flashes, which were hard for me to ignore because the tips of my ears would turn red. Plus I’d wake up in the middle of the night dreaming I was caught in an inferno, immediately followed by a chill and a desperate need to pee. Another kid, this time a cute little ob-gyn who looked twelve, told me I was having night sweats because of peri-menopause. Sheesh. The final insult was when an

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