Efficacy of the Therapeutic Touch

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The efficacy of therapeutic touch
Compared with the scarce evidence base of tactile touch, therapeutic touch, has been proven to be applicable recently in a variety of different populations and settings in recent years. Eight experimental researches and four qualitative researches are explored in this part.
TT is safe and effective to be implemented on hospitalized patients. Newshan & Schuller-Civitella (2003) conducted a large-scale study on 605 patients from 1998 to 2000. 48% of patients (n=259) claimed reduced pain suffering. 48% of patients (n=254) were found to have physiological response relating to relaxation; 90%(n=83) patients rated TT as either “very helpful” or “helpful”. 12% (n=605) of patients reported no change and 20% fell asleep during TT sessions. However, the lack of a predetermined time for TT treatment and a comparison group, the self-administered questionnaire and the convenience sample limited the generalizability of this study.
TT may be of value as an adjunctive measure in lowering anxiety levels and reducing withdrawal symptoms for chemical dependency. Larden et al. (2004) undertook a three-group RCT to investigate the TT effects on pregnant hospitalized women with chemical dependency. 42 out of 54 women completed the study and only 16 received the consecutive 7-day treatments. A lower anxiety level was found in the TT group compared to presence and standard care group (p=0.27) on the first three days of intervention. The short period treatments, high dropout rate (22%), the inability to blind participants, small sample size might contribute to the insignificant change in mean symptom score.
TT could facilities the mind-body connection. Movaffaghi & Farsi (2006) used a double blind RCT to examine TT effect...

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...cy of blinding participants; inconsistent data collectors resulting in incomplete datasets; convenience sample; inappropriate recording time and the placebo effects may create a therapeutic relationship of participants that makes the scientific study of measurement of touch therapies problematic (O’Regan et al., 2010).
Above all, the invalidated measurements especially for subjective parameters and the different length of the TT session time are also common shortcomings across all studies.
Precautions of performing touch therapies
There are various factors that pose an influential effect on touch performance, including the external contextual variables and patients’ internal characters. Harrison et al.(2012) found the effects of touch could be benefical or harmful depending on a myriad of clients, contextual and professional variations.
Environmental influences:

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