Effects Of Imagery Of Blood In Macbeth

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Highly regarded English poet and playwright, William Shakespeare, in his famous play, Macbeth, analyzes the mind shattering effects of guilt with imagery of blood. In order to frighten his audience and readers, Shakespeare constructs a tone of despair that warns about the consequences of sin on the psyche. Shakespeare opens Scene Two of Act One with the introduction of warriors, fresh from battle; the warriors are battleworn - bloody - to express they have come from the battlefield. Appealing to the pathos of warrior culture, the bloody injured captain boasts about Macbeth and Banquo’s victory against Macdonwald. The captain vividly describes the execution of Macdonwald, imagery of blood leaves a permanent impression of Macbeth’s success. The image of bloody, proud warriors on stage creates a feeling of achievement, represented by the blood on their bodies - be it theirs or an enemy’s. The warriors’ honourable bloodshed is established in the play to create a base of good evidence for warrior-like deeds. Such honour will be later contrasted with Macbeth’s treachery when he assassinates Duncan. With subtle costume decisions and …show more content…

Following the discovery of Duncan’s murder, the framed guards are found “Steeped in the colours of their trade” (II, iii, 134). Imagery of blood is used as evidence to convict the guards of regicide; the connotation of the word “steeped” constructs a bloody picture for the audience. The blood on the guards is shocking and gruesome to the audience - unlike the honour of the warriors’ blood in the beginning of the play; there is a strong difference in interpretation of the blood by the audience. The blood on the guards is a representation of being wrongly accused - their death before trial is a greater trespass of justice. As a result, the audience will question the ethical boundaries of Macbeth and Lady

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