Education In The 1600's Essay

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Education in the 1500 and 1600’s
Education in the 1500 and the 1600’s was less valuable than what it is now. (Andrews 107). Back then, people didn’t value education. It just was too expensive for the general public, which turned away a lot of people for the later grades. The later grades were for higher ranking jobs. They required more education in order to be skillful at them. So education was mostly for higher classed people. When you start learning in school in the 1500’s and 1600’s you were about 5 or 6. You went to a petty school. Petty schools were the equivalent to what now-a-day pre-school through 1st grade is. These “petty” schools were usually run privately or as part of a parish. The main goal of these schools was to teach children …show more content…

Grammar schools are older, or outdated middle schools. Usually poorer students at this ages were often taken out of school to work for their parents. Prosperous, or very smart boys continued their education at these schools. Some grammar schools like Winchester and Eton, were founded long ago, in the 1400’s. The grammar school was a harsh environment for young boys. The teachers were very strict. The teachers in every school had a birch rod in the corner. The teachers did not hesitate to use it on students who caused trouble in class or were learning too slow.(Steward 31) The threat of physical punishment only grew after petty school. One student claimed that the teachers found other reasons to beat the boys. “I knew one[teacher] who in winter would regularly on cold morning would whip the students for one purpose and that was to set himself a heat”.(Steward 31) Another teacher would beat his students if they swore, but the teacher would also curse”(Stewart 32). Some parents of the time were concerned because they felt the teachers were not qualified enough and were only slightly smarter than their students. One educator wrote that “English children almost everywhere are first taught either in private by men or woman and that they were rude and ignorant of the due composing and just spelling of words” (Steward

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