Economic Downfall Of America Essay

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In the United States of America, this country is known as the land of opportunity. The land of opportunity wasn’t meant to fail multiple times. Economic downfalls in America hurts not only the economy but it hurts the civilians that help build on to the economy. A economic downfall is a similar version of an economic depression. An economic downfall is when the economy is in shambles for years or even decades. In the United States of America, there have been two major economic downfalls and have affected the country as a whole. Before the fall in the economic society, the 1920’s had a big impact on how the world was going to survive the economic downfall with the Great Depression. The roaring twenties was the this era was in the 1920’s when new scientific technologies were invented to better America in every way, shape, and form, also this era sparked after World War One. The Automobile Industry skyrocketed during this time radio sounds, Movies, and Films became innovated and better watching and better sounds. The jet engine was invented The first helicopter was invented in 1930 transoceanic phones were …show more content…

The value of America has been decenergrating throughout the past decades. The working class of America has been through multiple downfalls being the Great Depression the biggest downfalls of America’s history of the working class. The former President Hoover was responsible for getting America out of their emotional downfall of the working class. But with the opposing views of President Hoover, were convinced that the federal government should get in between the problem and attempt to help Americans more efficiently. But, since President Hoover lost the reelection in the year 1932 to the former president Franklin D. Roosevelt, President Roosevelt was a strong advocate for the government to intervene with the problems of the American downfalls with the Great Depression being the current problem of

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