Easy A Movie Essay

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Teen movies are not just for teenagers, though they focus on different aspects of the teenage life, adults still can learn a thing or two from them. Everyone has seen a teen movie at some point in their lifetime whether the person is older or a teenager. One element most teen movies have in common is that most of the time there is more than one setting the movie takes place in. In Will Gluck’s 2010 movie Easy A, most of the movie takes place in Olive Penderghast’s (Emma Stone) high school, Ojai North High School. Another major place where the movie takes place is her bedroom. These are two important places for a teenager during these years. An analysis of teen movies, specifically Easy A, reveals that the setting, either at school or in the student’s bedroom, plays a critical role in …show more content…

Since most teenagers are trying to figure out life and the shift in hormones, their bedroom is the safe place. This is evident in the Easy A, because the only place Olive feels secure is in the comfort of her bedroom, but unfortunately for her, the bedroom is also the area of which the lies are about. Though most teens find their bedroom a source of escape from life, school, and everyday troubles, there are a few who find that school is a source of escape from the troubles of family and home life. If for some reason the teenager is having problems at home it is more likely that that teenager will find another place or other things to be their escape from the world. According to NCANDS statistics for 2005 there was, "an estimated 3.3 million referrals of child abuse or neglect were received by public social service or CPS agencies" (American Humane Association). Though this does not take place in Easy A, her parents are super supportive of Olive and all that she does, it does happen in other teen films and certainly happens in real

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