Dying: A Short Story

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This is 17: The struggle to keep going My life hasn’t been all that back but a lot of crap has happened and in order for you to understand the good you have to understand the bad. You see every was good so far in life. And then everything went to hell one day. Last year I girl I never knew killed herself. She new a lot of my friends and I did everything I could to support them in their time of need, including going to the funeral. Then a couple weeks later my friend who always sat with me on lunch was really sad because of what happened to her friend. But when I talked to her she seemed happy because she had a new boyfriend. She seemed so happy, but she got into a big fight with her dad and she killed herself. My other friend and her were really close and when I heard the new I was so hurt and confused because the last time I talked to her she was happy. I cried for weeks! Me and my friends stuck together for support. And seeing her dead at the wake was the worst because no matter how much I wanted her to “wake up” and say “it was all a misunderstanding”, but she never did. Really thought I think instead the hardest was seeing her coffin at the funeral for the last time and thinking “that’s her! That's my friend in there and she …show more content…

This friend was special needs but that never mattered to me. She was the nicest person i'd ever met. She always wore this cool pokemon jacket and called me her friend. On the night of prom she passed out at the playground in my neighborhood. We were next door neighbors so my sister got her mom. She went to the hospital and apparently she was very sick. When people go to the hospital they usually get better and come back. Unfortunately she was took sick and she died on her birthday in the hospital. I couldn’t go to her funeral because it was too sad and hard to deal with. She definitely deserved so much better than all of us and her

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