Drugs And Alcohol In High School

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During my high school years, I've had a change in attitude towards what some teenagers do for fun and what others think is dangerous. As I've grown, I've realized which path I've chosen and what others have taken. The peer pressure to do drugs and alcohol is extremely high. I chose my path, which will you choose? My idea of fun is to go out to eat, go shopping, go running, and just hanging out with my friends. However, during my high school years, I've realized that other teenagers need drugs and alcohol for entertainment. Many teenagers post their drug and alcohol usage on social media and it made me realize that I don't want to be perceived in that way. My opinion is that it is one thing to take part in those kinds of activities but it is …show more content…

I have been apart of the Genoa Central track and field and cross country team every since seventh grade, which is a total of five years. Being on this team has shown me discipline, given me structure, and has shown me that hard work pays off. Maybe if more teenagers were involved in an extracurricular activity they might not be in the situation that they are in. The influence that track and cross country has given me is to stay clean and focus on my education for the hope of a track and cross country scholarship. I don't think this would have been possible if I would have chosen drugs and alcohol as a form of entertainment with my old friends. I definitely can say that my attitude towards my social age group has made me think about future consequences versus present …show more content…

I can't comprehend why some of my friends who are acting this way would throw away their future all for a substance that can conflict their body. My attitude towards this is how ignorant can you be? I am a teenager and I understand how it feels to want to fit in, but I've realized that's not what I want to have to go through to fit in. I don't understand how they can be so oblivious to the fact that they can have fun and be cool without all of that. I have fun hanging out with my friends and there are no drugs or alcohol involved. I often wondered which path I would choose when I entered high school. But I think you have to be put in a situation to make the decision of yes or no. For example, if you walked up to your so called best friends' car window and they turned around with a cigarette in their hand, would you join them or stand firm in your beliefs and walk away like I did? I think my life experiences have helped me make the right decisions with my choices. I've chosen the path to stay clean and sober and to focus on my future goals. Hopefully my attitude will stay the same and maybe some of my other friends will change their attitude and their

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