Drug Abuse In Brave New World

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In many different places around the world, sex and drugs are a huge part of culture which is seen in the movies and TV shows that portray it. In Aldous Huxley’s novel, Brave New World, he writes about the problems and tragedies that come with a world that is so focused on sex and drugs. Readers can see the problem that drugs and sex cause through Bernard and Lenina’s relationship and also through the death of John and Linda. Huxley uses his novel to show readers the dangers of a society based on sex and drugs when Bernard almost loses his life because of it and John and Linda die because of their struggles. There are many problems that come along with drugs, “ The adverse effects of drug abuse can be thought of in three parts that together determine the overall harm in taking …show more content…

Lenina is confused and interested as to how John could not sleep with her and he tries to explain the importance of having a real relationship and being married. Despite his efforts, Lenina simply cannot understand John and his beliefs. Once John’s mother passes away he becomes disgusted by the society he is now a part of and cannot stand how Lenina is constantly begging him for sex. In anger he moves to a secluded lighthouse, here he can become separate from society but continues to have sexual thoughts about Lenina. John remains feeling disgusted but now also guilty because of his thoughts so he begins to flog himself as a way to cleanse himself through the pain. This only ends up intriguing the society around him as they watch him through video cameras and huge amounts of people, including Lenina, begin showing up at his house to flog one another and participate in sexual activities. In the midst of all the commotion John gives in and has sex with Lenina. The next morning he wakes up feeling so ashamed and guilty, just like Bernard did, only John is unable to handle the guilt and hangs himself from the lighthouse

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