Dreams In Crime And Punishment Essay

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Dreams and Criminal Psychology
Henry David Thoreau said, “Dreams are the touchstones of our character.” Dreams have the power to show someone a side of their self which has never been seen before, or a desire that they never knew they harbored within them.¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ There are several dream sequences throughout Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment which help readers to better understand the characters and their behavior by delving into a hidden part of their psyche. The word dream has a figurative interpretation in the novel as well, which is evident in Raskolnikov’s “dream” that he is extraordinary. Dreams are important to psychology in general and to the story because they reveal hidden aspects of the psyche and manifest latent feelings of guilt and other emotional conflicts. …show more content…

A young Raskolnikov looks on as drunk people fill the carriage, encouraged by the man driving it. When the mare is unable to carry the weight, she is flogged to death by her abusive owner and other people in the streets. When Raskolnikov wakes up, he reconsiders murdering the pawnbroker. This dream introduces the reader to the conflicting aspects of Raskolnikov’s personality- the brutal, cold, and unfeeling side of himself, and the young, naïve, and compassionate side. It also introduces the reader to Raskolnikov’s schizophrenic nature. These are parts of his psyche which had been hidden until the dream sequence. Knowing that Raskolnikov is capable of compassion makes him a more relatable and likeable character. Later, Svidrigailov dreams of helping and comforting a young girl only to find that she has been transformed into an evil

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