Drama Club Officer Personal Narrative

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In 2013, I started my first Drama Club officer position. I was a sophomore in high school, full of school spirit, excited about what the rest of high school was going to be like, and full of worry about where I was going to be living in the next month. Our house was being foreclosed on, the only home I had ever known. It was the house I grew up in; and it was going to be gone in the blink of an eye. It doesn't seem like that big of a deal, no one was dying and it is, after all, just a house, but for a 15-year-old girl who had never known anything else, it was huge. One day after school I came home, and my mother was frantically packing, tomorrow was our deadline, we had to be out and the panic had set in. I was scared and very sad. Watching your entire life be condensed into one moving truck is a very difficult experience. It's humbling to say the least. My mother and I didn't sleep that night. From the moment I got home, to 8 pm the following day, we worked, we packed, we loaded, we unloaded, and we cried. Energy drinks and anxiety are all that kept us going. It was hard! Six a.m. rolled around and people started waking up and making their daily commute. Everything was normal to them. I was running around, trying to get everything in order while my world collapsed around me. Everything made me jump! Every truck going We were still a family. It was just a house. It was hard to grasp at first and some days it's still hard to understand because it had been our home for so many years and so many things, both good and bad, had happened there. But the things that had happened there, the memories, had happened with people I still had. Every memory was still with me. My discontent didn't go away immediately, however, the generosity of my aunt and uncle, and the fact that I was blessed in having a mother who was both strong, realistic and optimistic helped ease that way of thinking from malcontent to

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