Dragon Ball Z: The Great Genkai-Dama

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Dragon Ball z: The Great Genkai-Dama is by Akira Toriyama is about peace this book reveals who is the strongest out of two characters in the book.This book is a series so it starts off at Goku in mid battle with his enemy Frieza.. Goku is severely damaged and Frieza is too but not as much as Goku so far Frieza is winning the battle. Goku's teammates tr to help distract Frieza so goku can charge up one of his moves called Spirit Bomb which is a massive ball of energy at least as big as the sun. He is charging it up with the energy of all the living things in the universe. After a while he has it charged up Frieza still hasn't noticed and right when he is about to throw it frieza notices and has no time to react so he tries his best to reflect

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