Don't Judge a Celebrity By It's Cover

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Humans are judgmental creatures by nature. Since our inception it has been programmed into our brains to be this way and at one point with due cause. It was vital for the preservation of our species to make observations and respond to stimuli in our environments. However, as a necessity, being judgmental has for the most part dissipated. It is no longer vital to our existence to determine on the first encounter with a unfamiliar entity whether or not they are going to be friend or foe; if they bare their teeth and the hair on the back of their neck stands up, our culture acknowledges the safer bet is the latter. Our large processing powers instead are being utilized as a means to pass judgement on the actions of others in a purely superficial light, and unfortunately our culture is guilty of partaking in this far too often.

A friend once described a psychology project where all the students did was observe other people interacting and then take notes on what they saw; people watching is what the segment of the class was called. Albeit this form of observing is just that, observational, and no real judgement is being passed. Although, the notion that information can be relayed solely through ones' perceived actions without any supplemental information is a plague in our culture.

While the attempt has been made to remove such behavior as the ideology "don't judge a book by it's cover" implies, our culture now just reads the table of contents, authors foreword, and first few chapters before passing their judgement. This is no better exemplified by the relationship we share with celebrities. The way we interact with the upper echelon of the social hierarchy, the rich and the famous, leads way to a intimacy and understanding our...

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Our culture has created the wonderland that celebrities live in today. We view it through out TV's, smart phones and tabloids and know more about most celebrities than they know about themselves but have the misconceived notion that this is all there is to know about them. We only know of them in the limelight. Their lives, regardless of the level we know them on, are vastly deeper and complex than what we acknowledge.

Works Cited

1)Harris, Daniel. "Celebrity Bodies." The Writer's Presence: a Pool of Readings. Boston:

Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006. 425-33. Print.

2) Twitter. Web. 18 Oct. 2011.

3) "75 Things You Should Know About Justin Bieber | Long Island Press." Long

Island News from the Long Island Press. Web. 18 Oct. 2011.

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