Donnie Darko

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I have finally answered the hardest question ever posed following what church do you go to when asked by a religious parent of a friend when you're and atheist, what are your favorite movies. I have listed shaw shank as my favorite even though i don't know if i actually like it more than the top 5 movies listed. I really do enjoy the movie though so i will just use it as my answer when asked the question. fight club could be traded with shaw shank as the story line is amazing and I'm a hoe for a good plot twist and a movie that makes you have to watch it again.I just watched memento today, July 4th 2017, and the same can be said for it. I believe it should go in my top 3 because the way it was filmed as the double story line meeting in the …show more content…

I also recently watched shutter island while in new Mexico and also believe it to be in my top 5, again for the amazing plot twist that i was not expecting in the slightest and my love for Leonardo DiCaprio. I watched donnie Darko at the beginning of the summer, as recommended by v and it also was a movie that really got me thinking. As you can see the trend of movies i truly enjoy are ones that fuck your mind and then fuck your asshole just because. The ending of the movie really put things in perspective for me as one thing can change the course of the phenomena known as time. Se7en comes next as I liked the crime/ mystery that kept you hooked the entire length of the movie, and the ending was disturbing yet depicted the mental state and instability of the killer, making it great. Interstellar dealt with the phantasm of multiple dimensions of space time which I'm a sucker for and the ending makes me cry. I remember actually watching this movie in theaters and although the movie is lengthy and i cant sit still for too long, i very much enjoyed it and have watched it countless

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