Dominique And Roark's Stockholm Syndrome

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Is the relationship of Dominique Francon and Howard Roark cataloged as Stockholm syndrome? What are the personalities of Toohey and Roark throughout the novel? How does each character deal with different situations? Would they fit in this society and how they would fit? The relationship of Dominique and Roark is the most complicated compared to the other relationships in the novel. From my point of view there is two words that can explain their love and those are “Stockholm Syndrome”. The definition of Stockholm syndrome is feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or rape by a victim towards the captor. Dominique and Roark’s love story started when Roark went to her house to repair a scratch in the …show more content…

Dominique has an inner conflict with herself; her conflict is between her idealism and pessimism. Idealism means the practice of forming or pursuing ideals, especially unrealistically and pessimism means a tendency to see the worst aspect of things. When she sees something great, or something that she has a desire for, she would rather destroy it rather than seeing it being destroy by the world that she despises. The reason why Dominique doesn’t want to accept that she fell in love with Roark, is because she sees the greatness that she worships. From her point of view falling in love with Roark is the worst thing it could happen to her, because now she feels that she has a tie with the world. Roark is a great example of the type of disaster that she fears, now that she has a tie with the world thanks to Roark. According to The Fountainhead Part 1, Chapter 12 Dominique was talking to Alvah Scarrett and she expressed how she felt about getting feelings for something or someone "If I found a job, a project, an idea or a person I wanted-I'd have to depend on the whole world. Everything has strings leading to everything else. We're all so tied together. We're all in a net, the net is waiting, and we're pushed into it by one single desire. You want a thing and it's precious to you. Do you know who is standing ready to tear it out of your hands? You can't know, it may be so involved and …show more content…

Casa De Papel (Money Heist) show a case of Stockholm syndrome, between Monica (victim) and Denver (captor). The difference between Casa De Papel and the Fountainhead is that Casa De Papel is a kidnapping and the Fountainhead is a rape. (according to Netflix) Monica is kidnaped with other 66 people in the Royal Mint of Spain by eight thieves. Among those eight thieves Denver is present. Monica and Denver’s love story started when he brought her an abortion pill, because before the kidnapping happened Monica was expecting a child from her boss (Arturo) but he didn’t want to take responsibilities for the baby. So, when Denver brought her the pills he talked with her and he told her his story and the he was not a wanted baby. He tried to convince her not to abort by telling her his story, which in the end managed to convince her not to proceed. When the days passed he started to develop feelings for her, but his boss (Berlin) told him to eliminate her, because she tried to call the police, but he was not able because of the feelings that he had for her. So, when he went to kill her, he just shot her in the leg to make his boss (Berlin) think that he killed her. After that happened the days passed by and she started developing

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